In the first 12 years of our life we learn the fundamentals of behavior, the basics of interaction and guidelines to live in the world. And if we are lucky, they will lead to self mastery. The cycles keep repeating throughout our life, they give us opportunity to heal our undeveloped inner child as an adult.
Early Childhood Studies
The Psychological Development in the first 12 years of Life
In the first 12 years of our life we learn the fundamentals of behavior, the basics of interaction and guidelines to live in the world. And if we are lucky, they will lead to self mastery.
We may have heard others say, or even said it ourselves when we see someone acting ‘childishly’ we say that ……..‘? is going through their ‘second childhood’...Its quite true, there are so many challenges to overcome and to master while growing up, its no wonder that we may need to return to some ages to re-do what we never learnt at the time.
If we understand the process of development that the child is experiencing, then we can help their development in a constructive way. As it was intended by nature. As an adult, if we are missing any of those fundamental beginnings in our life, we may feel as if something is missing from our lives.
At some point we need to return to that child state within, hoping to redevelop the quality that was stunted in any given year. We return with the hope & the desire to develop that which remains un-mastered. In any given instance, we return to one of the first 12 years.
When we understand the 12 year process, we can consciously master what we may be lacking in ourselves. We can also consciously guide our children, so they can live their lives being stable and strong.
Year Zero - One "Power"
We are empowered or dis-empowered in this first year of life. If we have been dis-empowered we will have a lack of confidence today, if we have been given the power over others, we will push people around to get our own way, We need to learn the balance of this power.
Year One-Two "Love"
In this year of life the child will experience the quality of love received from those around them. Love is not automatic and is most often taught as an emotional reaction. Is this really Love? We need to to teach our child what love really means.
Year Two-Three "Mastery"
Now the fun begins, the terrible two’s are out to master everything in sight! They want to investigate, to experiment, to build, to break. If they don't learn mastery in this cycle, they can become co-dependent and lack confidence in themselves.
Year Three-Four "Control"
By the child’s third birthday, There is a flow of masculine, fiery strong energy flowing through them. They either learn to control you or themselves. This lesson is vital for them to grow into well rounded human beings.
Year Four-Five "Obedience"
The child learns to deal with law & all the aspects of its authority. We can either teach them the Law by Love or taking the law into there own hands and being influenced by the masses. Learn how to show them the best way to handle situations and the pitfalls we can fall into during this cycle.
Year Five—Six "Wisdom"
In this year the child needs to know that they are getting something out of everything in life, they need to learn the art of discernment and how to regroup their experiences.
Year Six—Seven "Harmony and Supply"
When the child reaches 6 there is another dramatic change in energy. During the first 6 years the child has learned the basic building blocks it will need for life. The next 6 years introduce new qualities, and this year the child is experiencing cause and effect. You need to teach your child how the strength of their sensitivity can lead them to successful relationships . If they don’t learn this lesson they can become over emotional and their life will become full of drama.
Year Seven– Eight "Gratitude"
Gratitude is so essential for the child to learn in this year. If they don't, the parents are in for a rude awakening the child can become demanding and want what they want, tantrum throwing if they don't get it. If the 8 year old becomes conscious of the balance and gratitude required for the basic problems of living and start to learn how to support their own life, they will rise to every challenge with understanding and acceptance. We need to teach them this art of balance and right action.
Year Eight—Nine "Justice"
During this cycle we are challenged to learn the art of discrimination and how to synthesis every aspect of our lives. We learn the value of self responsibility, and how the law of our cause is our effect. We learn monetary value as an energy exchange. We learn to think before we act .If we have a problem we need to learn how to solve the problem for ourselves. Routine is important in this year. We need to have the stability of understanding how we attract into our lives, exactly what comes our way, otherwise we will become a victim and we will make everyone else to blame for our problems.
Year Nine– Ten "Reality"
The child is now learning to balance the world of appearances with the inner truth of the soul. Somewhere in the maze of conflicting values the child needs to find some balance that they can live with.
They need to learn how to live a real life, otherwise their lives can be filled with drama.
Year Ten—Eleven "Vision"
An intense year for the child. They will begin to deal with the deepest and most personal feelings. Passions are stirring. Their body is awakening to impulses of re-creative energy. The choice is presented to the child: Follow the path of goodness, or to follow the shadow path of least resistance, (the easy way), looking out for number one. Learn how to guide your child during this intense year.
Year Eleven—Twelve "Victory"
If the last years have been developed wisely the child will have learnt to overcome their lesser selves and this year they learn to over come everything that will rob them of their victory. But oh! The bitterness of defeat. If they are not the victor, they will become a victim and blame everyone else for their ineptitude.
The ‘child years’ refer to a continued loop of the Ages.
So, at age 22 you will be repeating the lessons of the ‘11 year’ if you haven’t finished with them yet.
At age 29, you may well be repeating the lesson of ‘year 6’!
For each year you will learn how to make a program for your client, so they can strengthen their foundation, inner security and confidence.
12 Weekly 1x1/2- hour classes
or 1 x weekend 9-4 both days.
The Psychological Development in the first 12 years of Life
In the first 12 years of our life we learn the fundamentals of behavior, the basics of interaction and guidelines to live in the world. And if we are lucky, they will lead to self mastery.
We may have heard others say, or even said it ourselves when we see someone acting ‘childishly’ we say that ……..‘? is going through their ‘second childhood’...Its quite true, there are so many challenges to overcome and to master while growing up, its no wonder that we may need to return to some ages to re-do what we never learnt at the time.
If we understand the process of development that the child is experiencing, then we can help their development in a constructive way. As it was intended by nature. As an adult, if we are missing any of those fundamental beginnings in our life, we may feel as if something is missing from our lives.
At some point we need to return to that child state within, hoping to redevelop the quality that was stunted in any given year. We return with the hope & the desire to develop that which remains un-mastered. In any given instance, we return to one of the first 12 years.
When we understand the 12 year process, we can consciously master what we may be lacking in ourselves. We can also consciously guide our children, so they can live their lives being stable and strong.
Year Zero - One "Power"
We are empowered or dis-empowered in this first year of life. If we have been dis-empowered we will have a lack of confidence today, if we have been given the power over others, we will push people around to get our own way, We need to learn the balance of this power.
Year One-Two "Love"
In this year of life the child will experience the quality of love received from those around them. Love is not automatic and is most often taught as an emotional reaction. Is this really Love? We need to to teach our child what love really means.
Year Two-Three "Mastery"
Now the fun begins, the terrible two’s are out to master everything in sight! They want to investigate, to experiment, to build, to break. If they don't learn mastery in this cycle, they can become co-dependent and lack confidence in themselves.
Year Three-Four "Control"
By the child’s third birthday, There is a flow of masculine, fiery strong energy flowing through them. They either learn to control you or themselves. This lesson is vital for them to grow into well rounded human beings.
Year Four-Five "Obedience"
The child learns to deal with law & all the aspects of its authority. We can either teach them the Law by Love or taking the law into there own hands and being influenced by the masses. Learn how to show them the best way to handle situations and the pitfalls we can fall into during this cycle.
Year Five—Six "Wisdom"
In this year the child needs to know that they are getting something out of everything in life, they need to learn the art of discernment and how to regroup their experiences.
Year Six—Seven "Harmony and Supply"
When the child reaches 6 there is another dramatic change in energy. During the first 6 years the child has learned the basic building blocks it will need for life. The next 6 years introduce new qualities, and this year the child is experiencing cause and effect. You need to teach your child how the strength of their sensitivity can lead them to successful relationships . If they don’t learn this lesson they can become over emotional and their life will become full of drama.
Year Seven– Eight "Gratitude"
Gratitude is so essential for the child to learn in this year. If they don't, the parents are in for a rude awakening the child can become demanding and want what they want, tantrum throwing if they don't get it. If the 8 year old becomes conscious of the balance and gratitude required for the basic problems of living and start to learn how to support their own life, they will rise to every challenge with understanding and acceptance. We need to teach them this art of balance and right action.
Year Eight—Nine "Justice"
During this cycle we are challenged to learn the art of discrimination and how to synthesis every aspect of our lives. We learn the value of self responsibility, and how the law of our cause is our effect. We learn monetary value as an energy exchange. We learn to think before we act .If we have a problem we need to learn how to solve the problem for ourselves. Routine is important in this year. We need to have the stability of understanding how we attract into our lives, exactly what comes our way, otherwise we will become a victim and we will make everyone else to blame for our problems.
Year Nine– Ten "Reality"
The child is now learning to balance the world of appearances with the inner truth of the soul. Somewhere in the maze of conflicting values the child needs to find some balance that they can live with.
They need to learn how to live a real life, otherwise their lives can be filled with drama.
Year Ten—Eleven "Vision"
An intense year for the child. They will begin to deal with the deepest and most personal feelings. Passions are stirring. Their body is awakening to impulses of re-creative energy. The choice is presented to the child: Follow the path of goodness, or to follow the shadow path of least resistance, (the easy way), looking out for number one. Learn how to guide your child during this intense year.
Year Eleven—Twelve "Victory"
If the last years have been developed wisely the child will have learnt to overcome their lesser selves and this year they learn to over come everything that will rob them of their victory. But oh! The bitterness of defeat. If they are not the victor, they will become a victim and blame everyone else for their ineptitude.
The ‘child years’ refer to a continued loop of the Ages.
So, at age 22 you will be repeating the lessons of the ‘11 year’ if you haven’t finished with them yet.
At age 29, you may well be repeating the lesson of ‘year 6’!
For each year you will learn how to make a program for your client, so they can strengthen their foundation, inner security and confidence.
12 Weekly 1x1/2- hour classes
or 1 x weekend 9-4 both days.