How to recognize and free yourselves from out of balance states of consciousness that affect the relationship you have to yourself and others.
Relationship Science
This teaching has been largely forgotten and is a powerful force for transformation.
Understanding the wisdom of what Love really is & what love is not, opens the door to healthy relationships on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This course is a personal experiential transformative journey, to really get the benefits from this course one needs to experience the teaching, make it practical in their own lives & from that experience comes the wisdom of understanding.
Personal transformation takes place as you put into practice and integrate this teaching. Love has mostly been misinterpreted and the true meaning has been forgotten, when you have understanding which comes through personal integration of what you learn, you will know that this education is fundamental for healthy relationships and a must for relationship counseling, your relationship to yourself, and your relationships with others.
You are welcome to walk in someone else's shadow, but, where’s the fun in that?!
“The people who can make a difference are those who walk their talk
and live as an example for others to follow, emulate & admire. “
Course Content:
Part One:
Recognizing and Freeing ourselves from Out of Balance states of Consciousness that affect the relationship we have to ourself and others.
Why do we keep on repeating the same old, cycle over and over.?
1. Introduction to Course
2 Positive and Negative reasons for getting married.
3 Living life through Ignorance
4 Relationships that becomes an anchor and a goal
5 The outcomes of not giving freely of oneself.
6 How to recognise and deal with narcissism and jealousy
7 What is a human automaton
8 How to detect vampirism (Stealing life force energy)
9 Magnetic drunkenness
10 How collective belief affects us
11 The Oedipus and Electra complexes
12. The Diana complex
13 Understanding symbiosis in relationships
14 How the daydream phantom covers over our true selves
15 Sado-Masochism ( The art of suffering)
16. The compulsive search for sexual pleasure ( does this bring us true happiness)?
17 Macho & Matriarchal behavior ( The affects on our emotional body)
18 Social substitutes for love
19 Having children ( positive and negative parenting)
20 Understanding obligations and free will
21 How to move beyond loneliness and anxiety
22 Women and Men as a sex object
23 Shifting from false romanticism to true romanticism
24 Freeing ourselves from impotence and frigidity
25 Freeing ourselves from soul frigidity and sexual-spiritual impotence
26. How to understand and deal with hysteria
Part Two:
Shifting our Awareness to a Higher Vibration through Understanding our Connection to all of Life.
27. Love in its truest form?
28. Positive magnetic relationships
29. The mystery of the feminine soul
30. The mystery of karma
31. Further dimensions of the nature of love
32. What is telluric magnetism and how it affects our daily lives
33. Sexuality at a deeper level
34. The art of sexual expression
35. Love is an act of will ( making right choices)
36. Morals in love ( your personal code of conduct for your life)
37. Advanced knowledge and actions in relationships
38. Living the laws of nature in relationships ( true happiness within)
Course Details:
4 months 1 x weekend per month
Plus 1 x group zoom in the middle of each month
Fee $135 per month.
This teaching has been largely forgotten and is a powerful force for transformation.
Understanding the wisdom of what Love really is & what love is not, opens the door to healthy relationships on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This course is a personal experiential transformative journey, to really get the benefits from this course one needs to experience the teaching, make it practical in their own lives & from that experience comes the wisdom of understanding.
Personal transformation takes place as you put into practice and integrate this teaching. Love has mostly been misinterpreted and the true meaning has been forgotten, when you have understanding which comes through personal integration of what you learn, you will know that this education is fundamental for healthy relationships and a must for relationship counseling, your relationship to yourself, and your relationships with others.
You are welcome to walk in someone else's shadow, but, where’s the fun in that?!
“The people who can make a difference are those who walk their talk
and live as an example for others to follow, emulate & admire. “
Course Content:
Part One:
Recognizing and Freeing ourselves from Out of Balance states of Consciousness that affect the relationship we have to ourself and others.
Why do we keep on repeating the same old, cycle over and over.?
1. Introduction to Course
2 Positive and Negative reasons for getting married.
3 Living life through Ignorance
4 Relationships that becomes an anchor and a goal
5 The outcomes of not giving freely of oneself.
6 How to recognise and deal with narcissism and jealousy
7 What is a human automaton
8 How to detect vampirism (Stealing life force energy)
9 Magnetic drunkenness
10 How collective belief affects us
11 The Oedipus and Electra complexes
12. The Diana complex
13 Understanding symbiosis in relationships
14 How the daydream phantom covers over our true selves
15 Sado-Masochism ( The art of suffering)
16. The compulsive search for sexual pleasure ( does this bring us true happiness)?
17 Macho & Matriarchal behavior ( The affects on our emotional body)
18 Social substitutes for love
19 Having children ( positive and negative parenting)
20 Understanding obligations and free will
21 How to move beyond loneliness and anxiety
22 Women and Men as a sex object
23 Shifting from false romanticism to true romanticism
24 Freeing ourselves from impotence and frigidity
25 Freeing ourselves from soul frigidity and sexual-spiritual impotence
26. How to understand and deal with hysteria
Part Two:
Shifting our Awareness to a Higher Vibration through Understanding our Connection to all of Life.
27. Love in its truest form?
28. Positive magnetic relationships
29. The mystery of the feminine soul
30. The mystery of karma
31. Further dimensions of the nature of love
32. What is telluric magnetism and how it affects our daily lives
33. Sexuality at a deeper level
34. The art of sexual expression
35. Love is an act of will ( making right choices)
36. Morals in love ( your personal code of conduct for your life)
37. Advanced knowledge and actions in relationships
38. Living the laws of nature in relationships ( true happiness within)
Course Details:
4 months 1 x weekend per month
Plus 1 x group zoom in the middle of each month
Fee $135 per month.