Our body stores unexpressed emotional trauma. It depends on the vibration of that trauma as where it is stored within. It is felt as pain and internal suffering.
E.S.A. is a map of those vibrational patterns. When you know what the concept could be by the body part affected, it is easy to delve into the core issue and repair the damage. This body is incredible when you know the true science of life, that nature and the creator designed.
Emotional Spiritual Anatomy
also known as Triangle Therapy
This BodyMind Psychology has its understanding based in Sacred Geometry .
The pattern known as the Flower of Life is the geometrical form from which everything was born. It is the shape of all creation. Emerging from the Flower of Life is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the universal mechanism of the blueprint for the physical body.
The relationship of the Tree of Life to the human being can be seen in the flower of life.
The bodies energetic system has 16 energy triangles, 10 major energy transmitters and 22 paths that carry the energies around the body, each transmitter and path carries a different vibratory energy.
Understanding these energy patterns enables the practitioner to better pinpoint the emotional reaction or the root cause of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain stored in the body.
The energy triangles may be likened to a map of the Psychology that forms the structure of the body. A therapist can help you the client to unfold your world of causes, so that the effect, the result of the therapy being received is more permanent.
Class Information
16 weeks 2xhrs per week
E.S.A. is a map of those vibrational patterns. When you know what the concept could be by the body part affected, it is easy to delve into the core issue and repair the damage. This body is incredible when you know the true science of life, that nature and the creator designed.
Emotional Spiritual Anatomy
also known as Triangle Therapy
This BodyMind Psychology has its understanding based in Sacred Geometry .
The pattern known as the Flower of Life is the geometrical form from which everything was born. It is the shape of all creation. Emerging from the Flower of Life is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the universal mechanism of the blueprint for the physical body.
The relationship of the Tree of Life to the human being can be seen in the flower of life.
The bodies energetic system has 16 energy triangles, 10 major energy transmitters and 22 paths that carry the energies around the body, each transmitter and path carries a different vibratory energy.
Understanding these energy patterns enables the practitioner to better pinpoint the emotional reaction or the root cause of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain stored in the body.
The energy triangles may be likened to a map of the Psychology that forms the structure of the body. A therapist can help you the client to unfold your world of causes, so that the effect, the result of the therapy being received is more permanent.
Class Information
16 weeks 2xhrs per week