Online Sessions with Sandra: She has 35 years experience and is a wealth of wisdom. Book now or text 0212622468.

The Way of Wisdom Teachings
Lotus College has a variety of courses available including Esoteric Science and Esoteric Psychology the psychology of life. These classes are based on natural law the laws of nature and the creator. They are also known as Hermetic Teachings.
2025 is an exciting year for making personal change within. Its a year to self reflect and prepare for the coming new spiritual beginning in 2026. This is why this year we are focusing our attention to the fundamental classes of change.
Click the Course Timetable on the left
Esoteric Science
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor.
Esoteric means "The Inner Life" We are a soul having a human experience we came to earth to master the art of living life.
The more conscious we are in life the easier life is.
The diploma in esoteric science is designed to lead you back to your authentic self the soul, it will guide you to find your way out of the matrix of life and into consciousness once more.
"Physician heal thyself and in doing so you can lead others to heal themselves"
Esoteric Psychology
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor.
Esoteric means "The Inner Life"
This study takes you into a journey of self discovery and when completed you will be to able to help others on their journey.
In this study we uncover the simple understanding of the world around us, and how we have been affected by society, the environment we are born into, our education, and most importantly, how we are raised in our first 7 years.
We learn about psychosomatic programs
The true art of communication.
The relationship we have to ourselves and others,
We study how to unfold our early childhood programming and the cycles we go through in life.
We need to empower ourselves in each cycle, and most importantly, we need to learn
how we can free ourselves from hereditary beliefs, and health issues.
Early Childhood Studies:
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor
For parents of young children and for us as an adult.
The early childhood cycles repeat throughout our life giving us opportunity to revisit what we didn’t learn in our first 12 years of our life.
This is the time when we learn the fundamentals of behavior, the basics of interaction,
to live in the world and become master of our destiny..
Each year we need to develop consciously the lesson needed to be learned.
For example, at age 7 the lesson is gratitude, this same lesson returns at 19, again at 31 etc
If we understand the process of development that the child is experiencing then we can help their development in a constructive way.
As an adult we can re-visit those fundamental attitudes we didn’t learn and develop them.
For more information email [email protected]
face book (Icon above) Lotus College of Natural Therapies
or call NZ -064 021 26 22 468
Lotus College welcomes all age groups - talk with us about your options.
Call for a free personal assessment session to talk over your options.
Lotus College has a variety of courses available including Esoteric Science and Esoteric Psychology the psychology of life. These classes are based on natural law the laws of nature and the creator. They are also known as Hermetic Teachings.
2025 is an exciting year for making personal change within. Its a year to self reflect and prepare for the coming new spiritual beginning in 2026. This is why this year we are focusing our attention to the fundamental classes of change.
Click the Course Timetable on the left
Esoteric Science
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor.
Esoteric means "The Inner Life" We are a soul having a human experience we came to earth to master the art of living life.
The more conscious we are in life the easier life is.
The diploma in esoteric science is designed to lead you back to your authentic self the soul, it will guide you to find your way out of the matrix of life and into consciousness once more.
"Physician heal thyself and in doing so you can lead others to heal themselves"
Esoteric Psychology
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor.
Esoteric means "The Inner Life"
This study takes you into a journey of self discovery and when completed you will be to able to help others on their journey.
In this study we uncover the simple understanding of the world around us, and how we have been affected by society, the environment we are born into, our education, and most importantly, how we are raised in our first 7 years.
We learn about psychosomatic programs
The true art of communication.
The relationship we have to ourselves and others,
We study how to unfold our early childhood programming and the cycles we go through in life.
We need to empower ourselves in each cycle, and most importantly, we need to learn
how we can free ourselves from hereditary beliefs, and health issues.
Early Childhood Studies:
Classes can be taken online or in a class room with a tutor
For parents of young children and for us as an adult.
The early childhood cycles repeat throughout our life giving us opportunity to revisit what we didn’t learn in our first 12 years of our life.
This is the time when we learn the fundamentals of behavior, the basics of interaction,
to live in the world and become master of our destiny..
Each year we need to develop consciously the lesson needed to be learned.
For example, at age 7 the lesson is gratitude, this same lesson returns at 19, again at 31 etc
If we understand the process of development that the child is experiencing then we can help their development in a constructive way.
As an adult we can re-visit those fundamental attitudes we didn’t learn and develop them.
For more information email [email protected]
face book (Icon above) Lotus College of Natural Therapies
or call NZ -064 021 26 22 468
Lotus College welcomes all age groups - talk with us about your options.
Call for a free personal assessment session to talk over your options.