It was spring and this little bird was playing with her partner. They didn't see my window and crashed into it. He died on impact and she was very stunned and frightened. Reiki gave her a second chance and she gratefully flew away. I am so happy I have the ability of Reiki. This is only one of many stories.

Reiki Healing
Rei – Universal Ki Life force
The Integrated Reiki Universal Life Force

Reiki Healing
Rei – Universal Ki Life force
Reiki is our birthright but unfortunately we have been dis-empowered by society and the world we have been born into. We have mostly lost the art of living. Our life has been covered over with concepts and beliefs that disempower us. We no longer know we have the power to heal ourselves. We look to others for guidance and are treated with chemicals that are dangerous to our well being.
The life force Reiki flows through all living things. It permeates all matter, infusing life with vitality & matter with substance. The more of this vital life force that flows through us, our being, our entire selves is happier and healthier.
(Be your own doctor take self responsibility for your own health)
REIKI is your Natural Birthright.
Reiki Level 1.
Reiki embodies the common principle that you are able to heal any illness present, or any illness that exists as a potential, within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Reiki is a form of hands-on healing which treats any dysfunction at the causative level (the cause of the dysfunction.) This healing capacity is non-invasive, non-volatile and completely complementary to all other healing practices including orthodox medical practices.
First level Reiki is where you are attuned to the vibration of the the Reiki energy, for life. The student receives 4 attunements spread over two days.
First Level Reiki is the most important level of Reiki. For a Reiki practitioner, nothing can be more important than being initiated to Reiki energy for life. Besides the attunement process, students learn the simple process of how to give self-treatments, and how to treat others.
Part of this process includes how to give the Reiki energy to animals and to plants.
The process is practical and hands-on, you will have the opportunity to put into practice Reiki first hand.
In Sandra’s (Reiki master/teachers) personal experience and different experiences of training, she has found that you are more likely to maintain the practice of Reiki if you receive a good explanation of how & why it works. Otherwise, you may not use your Reiki to its fullest capacity. As an example, The importance of regular self treats as a preventative medicine, how to do a one hour treatment for another person, and how to use Reiki as first aid.
LOTUS College Reiki Master /Teacher Sandra Paul teaches Reiki from the two ‘Schools’ of Reiki She teaches you both the science and spiritual aspects of Reiki. Sandra provides a full & comprehensive workshop of understanding and practical application of the Reiki energy. Sandra says you need to build your foundation on rock, then everything that grows on top will be steadfast
A Reiki Master/Teacher since 1995 Sandra has held true to the traditional and durable truths of the Usui Reiki teaching. .
Seminar Subjects Covered:
What is Reiki Personal Cleansing Technique
The Science of Reiki The Law of Cause & Effect
Energy Blueprints and Disease Metaphysics of Reiki
Reiki Self Treatment Treating others with Reiki
Reiki First Aid The Inner Cleansing Process
Receiving the 4 Reiki Attunements How to treat Animals, plants and food.
Case Studies Levels of Reiki
The Attunement Process Chakras
Reiki History past and present Your Reiki Lineage
The Principles of Reiki Energy & Electromagnetics
Touch Breath
Reiki NZ,
Natural Health Practitioners of NZ
Course Timing: 1x1/2 - 2days
Reiki Level 2: Reiki Practitioner
The Reiki energy is amplified, self treats can be done in less time and the energy flowing through the hands is x4 of the first level. This is why this is the practitioner level.
The Second Level Workshop differs enormously from First in that the Art, Science & Practical use of Reiki Symbols is taught The Three Reiki Symbols that you will be attuned to are advanced techniques involving essential energy patterns, enabling practitioners to influence their lives in very powerful ways.
The many uses of these symbols is explained in a very detailed & comprehensive manner. The ‘level’ or potential of Reiki energy transmission through the hands is also increased. Second Level Techniques allow the practitioner to perform treatment of people at a distance. A very different approach from the hands-on application of First Level Reiki. The benefits quickly become obvious if you have loved ones overseas or you wish to conduct Reiki practice but cannot physically attend. The principles of how this Reiki practice works are explained in full.
Second Level Reiki practitioners can transmit the equivalent of 60 minutes of First Level Reiki in 15 minutes, and send to more than one person at a time. Once the principles are understood, the practical is easy, and very versatile. Second Level technique enables treatment of any energy field, plants, animals and even entire crops, may be treated as effectively as a single person.
The three Reiki symbols have many other uses: establishing potent energy fields, harmonising people and places, providing energetic protection, and Reiki symbolic use to enhance & develop your intuition.
Where First Level is very ‘straight-forward’ and ‘one-to-one’ in its application, the uses & capacities of Second Level are altogether far greater in number & scope of application. By comparison, First Level Reiki finishes with everyone having an identical Reiki capacity. At Second Level the individual can develop their skills further. There are good second level practitioners, very good ones and great second level practitioners, each one according to the knowledge and development of these skills. The only limitation is the individuals intent, practice and focus.
At The LOTUS College, Reiki Master Teacher Sandra Paul ensures that all students receive a uniformly high standard of teaching and understanding of the Reiki energy. Second Level is usually taught in three parts, this allows the student to fully realise & integrate each symbol.
Part one: 6 hours
Part Two: 5 hours
Part Three: 8 hours
Reiki Level 3:
Third Level Reiki is a three day intensive program.
Advanced theories and techniques of Reiki are taught. You will learn how to attune animals and plants and how to do a Heart Attunement.
During the 3 days you will receive a Reiki Booster Attunement, a Reiki Heart Attunement and, ultimately, the Attunement to the third level Master Symbol.
These Reiki attunements have a dramatic effect on your personal growth and awareness of life.
The student is enabled to experience the joy of initiating another person to higher levels of awareness & development through the transmission of a Heart Attunement. This process allows the recipient to have Reiki in their hands for a few weeks* The Reiki ‘strength’ is lower (approx 1/4) and the attunement is not permanent. Only after all 4 Reiki First Level attunements does the Reiki become permanent.
The Third level practitioner is taught many other applications of the Reiki energy and certain inner workings of Reiki knowledge are revealed. The teaching of Reiki at this level can be used for powerful personal growth, and to help others on many levels. Third level student, once in touch with the higher levels of Reiki, can use this energy for the remainder of their lives.
Students can then examine the path & choices ahead of them with clarity, and determine for themselves whether or not they will become a Reiki Master.
Third Level is by application, and by personal interview with the Reiki Master/Teacher
Reiki Master:
Mastery of the Art of Reiki and the ability to teach others. If you do the work reiki is integrated into our being. In other words you are Reiki.
To qualify for Reiki Master training you must be capable of demonstrating a sound background in the practical application of Reiki and a very strong desire to teach Reiki. People who ‘believe’ in Reiki are not ready to be taught, the applicant must ‘know’ Reiki from personal experience & observation through clinical practice. Academic qualifications are not necessary, but may be helpful in the learning involved with lecture content.
The Student will learn all requisite theoretical knowledge and be able to present it professionally & accurately. He or She is given a series of tasks/assignments that involve studying, in depth, the subjects taught at each of the seminars.
They present their classes orally (on tape) for the Reiki Master/Teacher to listen to and to provide feedback on. A trainee will repeat the assignments until the teacher is satisfied the student can meet the requirements needed to maintain a consistently high standard of teaching. The Master Teacher will provide intensive lectures & discussions set over the period of training.
Theory aside, more important is the development of the Reiki Master Trainee as a person and as an initiator. The attunement process demands the Reiki Master be in an advanced stage of personal development. Each attunement stimulates transformative processes in the energy field of The Reiki Master.
During the Reiki Master training, a vast body of information & knowledge, specifically the ability to perform each of the attunements, is transmitted to the individual. Each attunement must be practiced & synthesized into the energy field of the trainee. The period of process varies between trainees according to their individual capacities & dedication, but a good minimum training period is 9 months, the average duration is one year.
We have found that Reiki Masters who are graduated too quickly have many difficulties synthesizing the Mastership process. There are also Reiki Masters who have the capacity to activate the Reiki energy in the hands of their students, but do not necessarily initiate their students to higher level of personal & spiritual awareness.
A well trained, conscious, competent Reiki Master teaches from the vantage point of knowing that that they are training their student to observe the Metaphysical Laws involved in a Master Initiator.
The one year training includes how to teach first and second level. Further Reiki training for the advanced levels comes when the student has a proven history of competency and understanding of Reiki as a Master.
Reiki Master Training is upon application and interview:
All applicants must be 3rd level.
Applications to Sandra Paul Reiki Master/Teacher 0212622468
Rei – Universal Ki Life force
Reiki is our birthright but unfortunately we have been dis-empowered by society and the world we have been born into. We have mostly lost the art of living. Our life has been covered over with concepts and beliefs that disempower us. We no longer know we have the power to heal ourselves. We look to others for guidance and are treated with chemicals that are dangerous to our well being.
The life force Reiki flows through all living things. It permeates all matter, infusing life with vitality & matter with substance. The more of this vital life force that flows through us, our being, our entire selves is happier and healthier.
(Be your own doctor take self responsibility for your own health)
REIKI is your Natural Birthright.
Reiki Level 1.
Reiki embodies the common principle that you are able to heal any illness present, or any illness that exists as a potential, within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Reiki is a form of hands-on healing which treats any dysfunction at the causative level (the cause of the dysfunction.) This healing capacity is non-invasive, non-volatile and completely complementary to all other healing practices including orthodox medical practices.
First level Reiki is where you are attuned to the vibration of the the Reiki energy, for life. The student receives 4 attunements spread over two days.
First Level Reiki is the most important level of Reiki. For a Reiki practitioner, nothing can be more important than being initiated to Reiki energy for life. Besides the attunement process, students learn the simple process of how to give self-treatments, and how to treat others.
Part of this process includes how to give the Reiki energy to animals and to plants.
The process is practical and hands-on, you will have the opportunity to put into practice Reiki first hand.
In Sandra’s (Reiki master/teachers) personal experience and different experiences of training, she has found that you are more likely to maintain the practice of Reiki if you receive a good explanation of how & why it works. Otherwise, you may not use your Reiki to its fullest capacity. As an example, The importance of regular self treats as a preventative medicine, how to do a one hour treatment for another person, and how to use Reiki as first aid.
LOTUS College Reiki Master /Teacher Sandra Paul teaches Reiki from the two ‘Schools’ of Reiki She teaches you both the science and spiritual aspects of Reiki. Sandra provides a full & comprehensive workshop of understanding and practical application of the Reiki energy. Sandra says you need to build your foundation on rock, then everything that grows on top will be steadfast
A Reiki Master/Teacher since 1995 Sandra has held true to the traditional and durable truths of the Usui Reiki teaching. .
Seminar Subjects Covered:
What is Reiki Personal Cleansing Technique
The Science of Reiki The Law of Cause & Effect
Energy Blueprints and Disease Metaphysics of Reiki
Reiki Self Treatment Treating others with Reiki
Reiki First Aid The Inner Cleansing Process
Receiving the 4 Reiki Attunements How to treat Animals, plants and food.
Case Studies Levels of Reiki
The Attunement Process Chakras
Reiki History past and present Your Reiki Lineage
The Principles of Reiki Energy & Electromagnetics
Touch Breath
Reiki NZ,
Natural Health Practitioners of NZ
Course Timing: 1x1/2 - 2days
Reiki Level 2: Reiki Practitioner
The Reiki energy is amplified, self treats can be done in less time and the energy flowing through the hands is x4 of the first level. This is why this is the practitioner level.
The Second Level Workshop differs enormously from First in that the Art, Science & Practical use of Reiki Symbols is taught The Three Reiki Symbols that you will be attuned to are advanced techniques involving essential energy patterns, enabling practitioners to influence their lives in very powerful ways.
The many uses of these symbols is explained in a very detailed & comprehensive manner. The ‘level’ or potential of Reiki energy transmission through the hands is also increased. Second Level Techniques allow the practitioner to perform treatment of people at a distance. A very different approach from the hands-on application of First Level Reiki. The benefits quickly become obvious if you have loved ones overseas or you wish to conduct Reiki practice but cannot physically attend. The principles of how this Reiki practice works are explained in full.
Second Level Reiki practitioners can transmit the equivalent of 60 minutes of First Level Reiki in 15 minutes, and send to more than one person at a time. Once the principles are understood, the practical is easy, and very versatile. Second Level technique enables treatment of any energy field, plants, animals and even entire crops, may be treated as effectively as a single person.
The three Reiki symbols have many other uses: establishing potent energy fields, harmonising people and places, providing energetic protection, and Reiki symbolic use to enhance & develop your intuition.
Where First Level is very ‘straight-forward’ and ‘one-to-one’ in its application, the uses & capacities of Second Level are altogether far greater in number & scope of application. By comparison, First Level Reiki finishes with everyone having an identical Reiki capacity. At Second Level the individual can develop their skills further. There are good second level practitioners, very good ones and great second level practitioners, each one according to the knowledge and development of these skills. The only limitation is the individuals intent, practice and focus.
At The LOTUS College, Reiki Master Teacher Sandra Paul ensures that all students receive a uniformly high standard of teaching and understanding of the Reiki energy. Second Level is usually taught in three parts, this allows the student to fully realise & integrate each symbol.
Part one: 6 hours
Part Two: 5 hours
Part Three: 8 hours
Reiki Level 3:
Third Level Reiki is a three day intensive program.
Advanced theories and techniques of Reiki are taught. You will learn how to attune animals and plants and how to do a Heart Attunement.
During the 3 days you will receive a Reiki Booster Attunement, a Reiki Heart Attunement and, ultimately, the Attunement to the third level Master Symbol.
These Reiki attunements have a dramatic effect on your personal growth and awareness of life.
The student is enabled to experience the joy of initiating another person to higher levels of awareness & development through the transmission of a Heart Attunement. This process allows the recipient to have Reiki in their hands for a few weeks* The Reiki ‘strength’ is lower (approx 1/4) and the attunement is not permanent. Only after all 4 Reiki First Level attunements does the Reiki become permanent.
The Third level practitioner is taught many other applications of the Reiki energy and certain inner workings of Reiki knowledge are revealed. The teaching of Reiki at this level can be used for powerful personal growth, and to help others on many levels. Third level student, once in touch with the higher levels of Reiki, can use this energy for the remainder of their lives.
Students can then examine the path & choices ahead of them with clarity, and determine for themselves whether or not they will become a Reiki Master.
Third Level is by application, and by personal interview with the Reiki Master/Teacher
Reiki Master:
Mastery of the Art of Reiki and the ability to teach others. If you do the work reiki is integrated into our being. In other words you are Reiki.
To qualify for Reiki Master training you must be capable of demonstrating a sound background in the practical application of Reiki and a very strong desire to teach Reiki. People who ‘believe’ in Reiki are not ready to be taught, the applicant must ‘know’ Reiki from personal experience & observation through clinical practice. Academic qualifications are not necessary, but may be helpful in the learning involved with lecture content.
The Student will learn all requisite theoretical knowledge and be able to present it professionally & accurately. He or She is given a series of tasks/assignments that involve studying, in depth, the subjects taught at each of the seminars.
They present their classes orally (on tape) for the Reiki Master/Teacher to listen to and to provide feedback on. A trainee will repeat the assignments until the teacher is satisfied the student can meet the requirements needed to maintain a consistently high standard of teaching. The Master Teacher will provide intensive lectures & discussions set over the period of training.
Theory aside, more important is the development of the Reiki Master Trainee as a person and as an initiator. The attunement process demands the Reiki Master be in an advanced stage of personal development. Each attunement stimulates transformative processes in the energy field of The Reiki Master.
During the Reiki Master training, a vast body of information & knowledge, specifically the ability to perform each of the attunements, is transmitted to the individual. Each attunement must be practiced & synthesized into the energy field of the trainee. The period of process varies between trainees according to their individual capacities & dedication, but a good minimum training period is 9 months, the average duration is one year.
We have found that Reiki Masters who are graduated too quickly have many difficulties synthesizing the Mastership process. There are also Reiki Masters who have the capacity to activate the Reiki energy in the hands of their students, but do not necessarily initiate their students to higher level of personal & spiritual awareness.
A well trained, conscious, competent Reiki Master teaches from the vantage point of knowing that that they are training their student to observe the Metaphysical Laws involved in a Master Initiator.
The one year training includes how to teach first and second level. Further Reiki training for the advanced levels comes when the student has a proven history of competency and understanding of Reiki as a Master.
Reiki Master Training is upon application and interview:
All applicants must be 3rd level.
Applications to Sandra Paul Reiki Master/Teacher 0212622468